Halma (from the Greek word meaning "jump") is a board game invented by American plastic surgeon, George Howard Monks, in 1883 or 1884.
The game is played by two or four players seated at opposing corners of the board.
The game is won by being first to transfer all of one's pieces from one's own camp into the camp in the opposing corner.
For four-player games played in teams, the winner is the first team to race both sets of pieces into opposing camps.

Game Play
A player is randomly chosen to move first. Pieces can be moved in eight possible directions.
Each turn, a player either moves a single piece to an adjacent open square, or jumps over one or more pieces in sequence.
Once a piece has reached the opposing camp, it cannot leave the camp.
The first player to move all their pieces into the opposing camp wins.
Otherwise, play proceeds clockwise around the board.

● Classic strategy game play.
● Solo play against the computer.
● Local multiplayer for 2–4 players.
● Designed and optimized for The Infinity Game Table.
Developed by John Rassa