Spot the Difference
From the original creators of the World-famous Spot the Difference amusement machine game we bring you Spot the Difference!
Includes modes for solo play or head-to-head play.
Sabec Limited have been developing games since 1993, delivering fun, easy to play games that anyone, regardless of age, can enjoy and immerse themselves into.

Game Play
Find the four differences that appear in each image.
Touch a difference to select it.
An incorrect selection will buzz, costing you time and precious points.
A correct selection will circle your choice and a chime will sound.
Your time is limited, so the quicker you are, the more points you will score.
When the timer runs out, the game ends.
Single player mode has three help icons to assist you.
Two player mode has 8 scenes and the player with the most points at the end wins.

• One-Player and two Player Modes.
• Detailed AI generated images.
• Fun and challenging for the whole family.
Developed by Sabec Limited