Yahtzee is a fast-paced dice game for 2-6 players.
Take turns rolling FIVE dice up to 3 times to try to make one of the THIRTEEN preset combinations such as 3 of a Kind, Full House, Small Straight or YAHTZEE to name a few.
After 13 rounds, the player with the most points is the lucky winner.
The Infinity Game Table and Infinity Game Board provide a revolutionary way to play the games you love both locally and via Connected Play.

Game Play
Players select one of six color positions to represent them in-game.
On a turn a player is given FIVE (5) dice and prompted to roll.
Select dice and re-roll up to 2 more times to try and make one of the THIRTEEN (13) dice combinations on the SCOREBOARD.
If a player racks up 63+ points in Tier 1, they will earn a BONUS of 35 points.
The game ends after the 13th round, the player with the most points wins.
And don’t forget that when you get Yahtzee, call it out loud and clear! "Yahtzee!"

· Supports 2 - 6 players locally or via Connected Play
· 3D animated dice
· Seamless game play with automated scoring, while retaining the authentic board game experience.
· Scorecards will be updated during a turn to highlight/help the player decide which combination to try for and garner the most points.
YAHTZEE is a trademark of Hasbro and is used with permission. © 2023 Hasbro. All Rights Reserved. Licensed by Hasbro.